Do you have to write up similar information multiple times during the sales process? With Tommy Trinder, you only draw once, and all the paperwork is ready—quotes, visualizations, pricing requests, site assessment docs, installer instructions, contracts, purchase orders, and more. All in stunning, photo-realistic detail, leaving no room for error.
Send pricing requests off to manufacturers in one touch, without the hassle of re-drawing. More than one supplier on the job? No problem - tap to split items and send to multiple manufacturers in one go. Or just send off to a few to compare prices ;)
Tap to download individual images, or click to automatically compile visualizations within your quote. Add as many as you want—front, back, and side views in gray, cream, or pink!
Automatically generate ready-to-sign contracts that eliminate ambiguity and look professional. Payment schedules are clearly outlined so clients know exactly how much they owe and when. Cancellation terms are spelled out clearly, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Effortlessly add any custom documents to the contract to cover special details, and tap to include your full terms and conditions. Rock-solid.
Effortlessly transfer orders from sales to site assessment without the need to redraw—eliminating errors that come with re-entering information. Tap to generate site-ready documents complete with checkboxes, notes sections, and space for clients to sign off on any change orders.
Our mission is to provide the technology you need to simplify quoting, wow homeowners & win orders.