Draw Once.

Get every document you need.

Do you have to draw stuff out multiple times during the sales process? On Tommy Trinder you draw once and the paperwork’s done - quote, makeover, pricing requests, survey docs, fitter docs, contracts, purchase orders etc. etc. All in glorious, photo-realistic detail so there’s no room for error.

Detailed & accurate pricing requests

Send pricing requests off to manufacturers in one touch, without the hassle of re-drawing. More than one supplier on the job? No problem - tap to split items and send to multiple fabricators in one go. Or just send off to a few to compare prices ;)

Play button
Look professional and eliminate error with...

World-class quotations

🍿 Watch our ‘Anatomy Of A Quote’ video to find out what makes a Tommy quote so special

Compelling makeovers

Touch to download as standalone images, or click to automatically compile visualisations within your quote; add as many as you like i.e front, rear, side elevations in grey, cream or pink!

Professional homeowner contracts

Automatically generate ready to sign contracts that rule out ambiguity and look the business.  
Stage payments clearly set out  so that client's know to the penny how much they have got to pay and when. Cancellation terms in black and white so everyone knows where they stand. Easily compile any one-off documents into the contract to cover off any special details, and touch to include your full terms & conditions. Bulletproof.

Survey sheets & fitter docs

Seamlessly transfer orders from sales to survey without re-drawing; the only safe way to guard against mistakes inherent in transposing information. Touch for site friendly documents with check-boxes, notes fields and space for clients to sign-off on variations to order.

Clean purchase orders

Generate factory ready orders without re-drawing. Split orders between multiple fabricators in a couple of clicks, with crystal clear specification and photo-realistic images of each product. Save time. Minimise queries. Cut out error.

We help installers sell.

Our mission is to provide the technology you need to simplify quoting, wow homeowners & win orders.
